Kenya extremist group behind 3 tons ivory shipment seized in Thailand

Kenya has released details that implicate the separatist group thought to be responsible for terrorist attacks on the Indian Ocean coast with the 3 tonnes of ivory seized in Thailand last month. Intelligence by the police shows that proceeds from poaching are being used to finance to terrorism and activities of the Mombasa Republican Council (MRC). “Intelligence […]

Undercover Survey: Mombasa Port, a Liability for Africa

*** FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ***   Flash Report on the Mombasa Port: a Liability for Kenya and Africa Ivory Trafficking: Undercover Survey at the Mombasa Port Reveals Vulnerabilities, Confirms High Level Corruption, and Highlights National and International Security Issues An undercover survey of the Port of Mombasa by the Elephant Action League & WildLeaks reveals important vulnerabilities […]

WildLeaks and TREES together for fighting illegal logging and trade

Signed the agreement between the American NGO “Elephant Action League” (that created WildLeaks, the world’s first wildlife crime whistleblower initiative) and TREES Project, that will help to combat illegal logging and trade in the European Union by collecting anonymous leads and reports. Los Angeles-Milan, 22 May 2015      An agreement to combat illegal logging and trade among the […]

EAL & other 40 NGOs urge EU to suspend raw ivory export

Elephant Action League and other 40 international non-governmental organizations sign letter to the European Union urging to suspend any export of raw ivory and to support a common EU position to this effect at the April 10th Committee meeting on Trade in Wild Fauna and Flora. March 23, 2015 European Union Ministers in charge of CITES, […]

WildLeaks releases two leaks on illegal logging on International Forest Day

WildLeaks release two (sanitized) leaks on illegal logging to celebrate International Forest Day: Malawi and Siberia. If you have additional information or you think you can help, please get in touch with us.   Malawi: illegal timber cutting of Mulanje Cedar (Widdringtonia whytei) – original message Mulanje Cedar (Widdringtonia whytei) is an endemic species and […]

On World Pangolin Day, WildLeaks partners with the Tikki Hywood Trust in Zimbabwe

PRESS RELEASE – February 21st, 2015 On World Pangolin Day, WildLeaks launches a partnership with the Tikki Hywood Trust in Zimbabwe, to strengthen the fight against the poaching and trafficking of pangolins, the world’s most poached mammal. WildLeaks, the world’s first wildlife crime whistleblower initiative, and the Elephant Action League, the California-based organization that runs WildLeaks, […]

WildLeaks joins forces with Finnish Association for Nature Conservation

PRESS RELEASE – February 15th, 2015 (from the original in Finnish) Finnish Association for Nature Conservation (FANC) has joined forces with the WildLeaks initiative, backed by the California-based Elephant Action  League. In this way FANC intends to strengthen the fight against the poaching of large predators in Finland and Scandinavia. WildLeaks provides an online platform where one […]

If You Buy Ivory, You Kill People – the second poster of the campaign

Please support our new awareness campaign to save elephants! Elephant Action League (EAL) Releases the Second Poster for the Launch of the 2015 Global Campaign to Address Human Toll of Ivory Trafficking (‪#‎YouBuyIvoryYouKillPeople‬) The EAL’s campaign is the most effective approach we have to engage ivory consumers and pressure China to close down the domestic […]

WildLeaks turns one year old!

WildLeaks, the world’s first wildlife crime whistleblower initiative turns one year old! Celebrate with us and please support this important project! The project is now entering an expanded phase of operation and is extending its outreach to every corner of the globe. In this, it invites participation from around the world to help fighting wildlife […]

EAL’s campaign on the Human Toll of the Ivory Trade – the Posters

If You Buy Ivory, You Kill People Elephant Action League Launches 2015 Global Campaign to Address the Human Toll of the Ivory Trafficking #YouBuyIvoryYouKillPeople #HumanTollIvoryTrade  English, Chinese and French versions below here. Photo credits: Kate Brooks  @katebrooksphoto

Fight Back with Us

We are former intelligence, law enforcement and security professionals.
We protect Wildlife and our Planet with intelligence-gathering operations and by investigating and exposing wildlife criminals worldwide, including poachers, traffickers, businessmen and corrupt government officials. Earth League International (former Elephant Action League) is a hybrid non-profit organization that merges the worlds of intelligence, investigation and conservation in service of wildlife and the people who protect it.