ELI now actively involved on Capitol Hill and in Washington D.C.

Earth League International is now actively involved on Capitol Hill and in Washington D.C., working with policymakers in a bipartisan effort to enhance the fight against environmental/wildlife crime. While it remains crucial to fight environmental crime in the field, from Latin America to Asia to Africa, it’s equally important to ensure that American policymakers and […]

International Wildlife Trafficker Arrested in The Netherlands with ELI Support

Earth League International (ELI) and Partners Uncover a Major Wildlife Trafficking Network in Europe, Leading to a Law Enforcement Operation and Arrest in The Netherlands. Los Angeles, 28 February 2024 – After a year and a half of investigative work across The Netherlands and other European countries, Earth League International (ELI) and its partners have […]

ELI on Alec Baldwin’s Podcast

Trying to Broaden the Conversation: ELI’s Executive Director Andrea Crosta on Alec Baldwin’s Podcast We’re thrilled to share a milestone in our journey to protect this beautiful planet. On the spookiest day of the year, Halloween, we launched something far from scary. Our podcast episode with Alec Baldwin on ‘Here’s The Thing’ is now live […]

Environmental Crime Convergence: New Investigative Report by ELI

Earth League International and John Jay College of Criminal Justice Unveil Ground-breaking Report on Environmental Crime Convergence   Earth League International (ELI) and John Jay College of Criminal Justice are proud to announce the release of a grounded-breaking report titled Environmental Crime Convergence: Launching an Environmental Crime Convergence Paradigm Through Investigation of Transnational Organized Crime […]

Vaquita Update: Top Wildlife Traffickers Arrested with ELI Support

Top Totoaba and Marine Animals International Traffickers Have Been Arrested in the U.S. with the Support of Earth League International A big victory for the last remaining vaquitas and the marine life in Baja California. With the technical support of Earth League International (ELI), after a long investigation, U.S. Law Enforcement agencies decapitated totoaba trafficking […]

Earth League International is the Cover Story in The New Yorker!

Earth League International featured in The New Yorker   After nearly a year of work with a reporter embedded in our team, The New Yorker magazine published a long feature article about Earth League International and our work in the field to fight environmental/wildlife crime.   It’s the cover story on the May 22 issue. Buy the physical copy […]

Operation Jaguar: ELI’s New Report On Jaguar Trafficking in Suriname

NEW REPORT ON JAGUAR TRAFFICKING Since 2018 Earth League International (ELI) conducted information-gathering and research activities on jaguar poaching and trafficking in the Amazon region (Operation Jaguar) , in collaboration with the IUCN National Committee of the Netherlands (IUCN NL).     ELI investigated the criminal networks behind this illegal wildlife trade and unveiled the traffickers’ modus […]

Our 10th Anniversary: a Message from Dr. Jane Goodall

ELI’s 10th Anniversary To celebrate Earth League International’s 10th anniversary, we could have not dreamt for a most powerful endorsement.  Thank you so much Jane! A message from Dr. Jane Goodall. “Earth League International has been working to create an intelligence agency for Earth. Why? Because it’s so desperately important to combat environmental crime with […]

ELI’s 10th Anniversary: A decade Spent Fighting Wildlife & Environmental Crime

This month, Earth League International celebrates its 10-year anniversary! Since 2013, Earth League International (ELI) has served as a pioneer in fighting wildlife and environmental crime through the use of professional intelligence, undercover operations, research and analysis.  ELI’s has also served as a trailblazer in investigating and researching Environmental Crime Convergence. For over a decade, […]

Criminal Convergence: ELI’s New LinkedIn Series:

ELI’s new series of LinkedIn posts aim to provide a deeper understanding of environmental crime and criminal convergence ELI’s Executive Director, Andrea Crosta, kicked off the series by beginning to contextualize environmental/wildlife crime within the broader framework of criminal convergence. In his post, Crosta provides a nuanced understanding of environmental crimes, their nexus to other […]

Fight Back with Us

We are former intelligence, law enforcement and security professionals.
We protect Wildlife and our Planet with intelligence-gathering operations and by investigating and exposing wildlife criminals worldwide, including poachers, traffickers, businessmen and corrupt government officials. Earth League International (former Elephant Action League) is a hybrid non-profit organization that merges the worlds of intelligence, investigation and conservation in service of wildlife and the people who protect it.