ELI’s Team fighting Environmental Crime Comes to Life in Series of Graphic Novels

Earth League International (ELI), in its tradition of innovation and progressiveness, is launching a new and exciting project – graphic novels and comics designed to spark more awareness and understanding of the complex world of environmental and wildlife crime. In the spirit of the writing of John Le Carre and comic art of Joe Sacco,ELI’s […]

Earth League International joins forces with the National Marine Mammal Foundation and Malaika Pictures

‘JANE’ INITIATIVE TO FIGHT WILDLIFE CRIME AND SAVE ENDANGERED SPECIES AMONG TOP PROPOSALS CHOSEN TO COMPETE FOR $100 MILLION MACARTHUR GRANT Strategic, Unique Wildlife Conservation Proposal Advances for Consideration Watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jvg6LJ1SqS8&feature=emb_title   The National Marine Mammal Foundation (NMMF) has joined forces with Earth League International (ELI) and Malaika Pictures on a ground-breaking project to save endangered species from […]

From WildLeaks: a leak on the 2017 rhino horn auction in South Africa

WildLeaks recently received a leak containing pictures of rhino horn lots from the first legal rhino horn auction in South Africa. The auction was held by private rhino horn owner John Hume in August 2017 and the details – pictures, pricing, and number of lots sold – have never been made public. South Africa legalized the […]

Doc ‘Sea of Shadows’ featuring ELI wins Sundance Film Festival

SEAS OF SHADOWS WINS SUNDANCE FILM FESTIVAL AUDIENCE AWARD.  NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC BUYS IT FOR $3M. Earth League International Featured in Another Powerful Leonardo DiCaprio-Produced Documentary & On Stage As Film Wins Sundance  2 February 2019, Los Angeles, California: Earth League International (ELI) is extremely proud to have been onstage representing Sea of Shadows when the film […]

Earth League International at the Sundance Film Festival 2019 with the Vaquita Documentary

Sundance Film Festival: we are proud to announce that the documentary ‘SEA OF SHADOWS’ has been selected for the World Cinema Documentary Competition at the SUNDANCE Film Festival 2019 (World Premiere). The documentary features the investigative work done in Mexico by our incredibly talented team of undercover agents, including a former top FBI Special Agent, […]

Three more young Chimpanzees rescued in Africa with the support of EAL

With the financial support of the Elephant Action League, all three rescued chimps have finally ended their long journey to freedom! Miriam, Victoria and John were transported earlier this month from Juba, South Sudan to their final destination, a sanctuary in Zambia called Chimfunshi. While there was some delay due to getting permits in order, […]

Ecuador: EAL at a UNODC workshop on Illegal Fishing and Crime

The Elephant Action League was in Guayaquil, Ecuador, speaking at the UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime) regional workshop on Crime in the fisheries sector, focused on economic crimes and corruption along the fish value chain and the role of organized crime. Organized by UNODC and the Government of Ecuador, there were official delegations […]

Government corruption and incompetence offer no hope for rhinos in South Africa

It is a sad World Rhino Day, as the South African government’s astonishing level of corruption, short-sightedness, and incompetence represent formidable obstacles to fighting the rhino poaching crisis and the international trafficking of rhino horn. According to intelligence that our organization has been collecting in South Africa, and along the entire rhino horn supply chain, […]

EAL Takes Part in Environmental Crime Training in Thailand

Organized by Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Elephant Action League (EAL) took part in the Environmental Crimes Trans-Border Financial Investigations Training (TBFIT), held in Bangkok, Thailand from the 20-24 of August. The training brought together various law enforcement agencies from Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia, and intergovernmental organizations, to […]

Groundbreaking research to push the EU to ban ivory – The Report

New Report: A Collaboration Between Avaaz, Elephant Action League and Oxford University Found Illegal Ivory for Sale in 10 European Countries Illegal ivory has been found on sale in 10 European countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and the UK), contravening international efforts to cut down on the trade which campaigners […]

Fight Back with Us

We are former intelligence, law enforcement and security professionals.
We protect Wildlife and our Planet with intelligence-gathering operations and by investigating and exposing wildlife criminals worldwide, including poachers, traffickers, businessmen and corrupt government officials. Earth League International (former Elephant Action League) is a hybrid non-profit organization that merges the worlds of intelligence, investigation and conservation in service of wildlife and the people who protect it.