ELI Announces Partnership on Geospatial Analysis with ESRI

ELI Announces New Partnership with ESRI’s Conservation Program   ELI is proud to announce our recent partnership with Esri’s Conservation Program. Esri provides the powerful geospatial analysis software that is coined as the “Science of Where”. Esri’s Conservation program is designed to understand and protect global biodiversity to solve the many and complex issues of the Human footprint, […]

ELl Begins Investigative Operations on Wildlife Crime in the U.S.

Earth League International (ELI) is happy to announce that we have officially begun operations in the United States with four undercover operations in two states. Having gained worldwide experience, from ivory trafficking in Africa and Asia to illegal fishing in Mexico and jaguar trafficking in Latin America, ELI will now work to shine a light […]

ELI Announces New Member to Lead Geospatial Intelligence

Earth League International would like to introduce our newest member,  Dr. Odean Serrano, who will lead the geospatial component of ELI’s novel, multi-intelligence mission that tackles environmental crime networks and the convergence of transnational environmental crimes with other serious crime.  Dr. Odean Serrano worked for the US Federal Government for over 26 years. She first worked at NASA Kennedy Space […]

Operation Jaguar Update: the Bolivia Connection

Earth League International Investigation Reveals that Three International Criminal Groups Control Jaguar Trafficking from Bolivia   ELI’s Team: How do you pass Customs? Chinese Trafficker: You need to bribe someone. We do not bribe Customs personnel, but we do bribe the Police, a high-ranking officer (…) ELI’s Team: Do they do it by container? Chinese Trafficker: Yes you can. ELI’s […]

ELI’s confidential data on Totoaba Cartels triggers arrests in Mexico

Breaking news Save the Vaquita update: Important Arrests in Mexico Earth League International’s confidential data on Totoaba Cartels from Operation Fake Gold supports the work of Mexican authorities. After two years of sharing confidential data on wildlife traffickers with the Mexican Authorities, Earth League International is pleased to see that their Confidential Intelligence Briefs (CIB’s) […]

Operation Jaguar: ELI’s new report on jaguar trafficking

New report unveils the criminal networks behind jaguar trafficking in Bolivia       On behalf of the IUCN National Committee of the Netherlands (IUCN NL), Earth League International (ELI) conducted undercover investigations on jaguar poaching and trafficking in Bolivia and the Amazon region (Operation Jaguar). ELI investigated the criminal networks behind this illegal wildlife trade […]

Second Graphic Novel Release: A View Into Jaguar Trafficking

Earth League International’s Team fighting Environmental Crime Comes to Life in Series of Graphic Novels Following up on our first release on the illegal wildlife trade and pandemics, this week we are releasing a story about jaguar poaching and trafficking in South America.       We have decided to write our second comic on […]

On Earth Day, we release our new logo

ON THIS 50TH EARTH DAY, EARTH LEAGUE INTERNATIONAL THRILLED TO RELEASE NEW LOGO Earth Day is the perfect day to release Earth League International’s (ELI) a new logo, a visual embodiment of our commitment to protect Earth. “The largest animal in the ocean and the largest living land animal were no more than a hundred […]

ELI’s Team fighting Environmental Crime Comes to Life in Series of Graphic Novels

Earth League International (ELI), in its tradition of innovation and progressiveness, is launching a new and exciting project – graphic novels and comics designed to spark more awareness and understanding of the complex world of environmental and wildlife crime. In the spirit of the writing of John Le Carre and comic art of Joe Sacco,ELI’s […]

Earth League International joins forces with the National Marine Mammal Foundation and Malaika Pictures

‘JANE’ INITIATIVE TO FIGHT WILDLIFE CRIME AND SAVE ENDANGERED SPECIES AMONG TOP PROPOSALS CHOSEN TO COMPETE FOR $100 MILLION MACARTHUR GRANT Strategic, Unique Wildlife Conservation Proposal Advances for Consideration Watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jvg6LJ1SqS8&feature=emb_title   The National Marine Mammal Foundation (NMMF) has joined forces with Earth League International (ELI) and Malaika Pictures on a ground-breaking project to save endangered species from […]

Fight Back with Us

We are former intelligence, law enforcement and security professionals.
We protect Wildlife and our Planet with intelligence-gathering operations and by investigating and exposing wildlife criminals worldwide, including poachers, traffickers, businessmen and corrupt government officials. Earth League International (former Elephant Action League) is a hybrid non-profit organization that merges the worlds of intelligence, investigation and conservation in service of wildlife and the people who protect it.