On Earth Day, we release our new logo

  • By ELI
  • April 22, 2020

Earth Day is the perfect day to release Earth League International’s (ELI) a new logo, a visual embodiment of our commitment to protect Earth.

“The largest animal in the ocean and the largest living land animal were no more than a hundred yards apart, and I was convinced that they were communicating! In infrasound, in concert, sharing big brains and long lives, understanding the pain of high investment in a few precious offspring, aware of the importance and the pleasure of complex sociality, these rare and lovely great ladies were commiserating over the back fence of this rocky Cape shore, woman to woman, matriarch to matriarch.”
― Carl Safina, Beyond Words: What Animals Think and Feel

Inspired by to these beautiful words, we chose the elephant and the whale as symbols of all life on land and in our oceans – what we work to protect. Elephants and whales not only have much in common with each other, but also with us, humanity. Ironically, though, both have been persecuted by humans for centuries.

Elephants and whales have roamed Earth for so much longer than humans and, therefore, we believe represent ancient guardians of Earth and the perfect symbol for our organization. As modern day “guardians of Earth” ELI fights environmental crime around the world, protecting wildlife from criminal organizations, greed, and corruption.

We are overjoyed to share this new logo with you. We ask you to share it and make it a symbol of the fight for Earth!

Elephants and whales have roamed Earth for so much longer than humans and, therefore, we believe represent ancient guardians of Earth and the perfect symbol for our organization. As modern day “guardians of Earth,” ELI fights environmental crime around the world, protecting wildlife from criminal organizations, greed, and corruption.

Logo by Orith Kolodny

Fight Back with Us

We are former intelligence, law enforcement and security professionals.
We protect Wildlife and our Planet with intelligence-gathering operations and by investigating and exposing wildlife criminals worldwide, including poachers, traffickers, businessmen and corrupt government officials. Earth League International (former Elephant Action League) is a hybrid non-profit organization that merges the worlds of intelligence, investigation and conservation in service of wildlife and the people who protect it.