Operation JAGUAR
Unveiling the Criminal Networks Behind Jaguar Trafficking in Suriname
In 2019 Earth League International (ELI), in partnership with IUCN NL, launched Operation JAGUAR, generously funded by the Dutch Postcode Lottery.

The primary objective of this project was to combat jaguar trafficking across Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and Suriname, guided by four strategic avenues:
- Systematically comprehend the scale, dynamics, and framework of jaguar trafficking.
- Enhance anti-poaching and counter-illegal wildlife trade measures within jaguar habitats.
- Enhance the proficiency of pivotal law enforcement and judicial agencies in countering wildlife trafficking.
- Amplify governmental and public emphasis on combatting wildlife trafficking
Following the publication of the report on jaguar trafficking in Bolivia, and the report about Jaguar Trafficking and Crime Convergence in Latin America, Earth League International and IUCN NL publish today a report about trafficking in and from Suriname: Unveiling the Criminal Networks Behind Jaguar Trafficking in Suriname. This report presents detailed evidence and first-hand information regarding jaguar trafficking and Environmental Crime Convergence within and between these transnational trafficking networks.
Key Finding
ELI’s intelligence-led investigations in Suriname began independently in 2017 and expanded in 2019 onwards as part of Operation JAGUAR. The aim was to compile and analyze information on the trafficking routes, the main destinations, the key criminals and their networks, and the underlying drivers of this illegal trade.
Through the investigations, ELI identified over 20 Persons of Interest in Suriname, with 14 being Chinese national, mostly of them Tier-1 international traffickers and middlemen, and the remaining comprising of Surinamese and European nationals. All findings presented in the report are supported by evidence collected first-hand by ELI investigators. ELI identified and researched two important wildlife trafficking networks in Suriname titled SA1 and SA18. These networks are two of the most robust and resourceful wildlife trafficking networks in South America and are led by Chinese individuals operating transnationally from many different countries. SA1 and SA18 also engage in a variety of other serious crimes, such as human smuggling, money laundering, and corruption.

The unredacted version of the report was prepared by our crime analysts in a Confidential Intelligence Brief (CIB) which ELI shared with Dutch and American government agencies for further investigation and action.
Additionally, ELI collaborated with the Washington Post on a story about our work in Suriname and the region, which will be published shortly.
Download the report here: Unveiling the criminal networks behind jaguar trafficking in Suriname_ELI_IUCN NL-final